Digital Media Database.

The information on DMDb comes from its members. Members are people in the media industry, such as filmmakers, producers, directors, actors, set, art and costume designers; those involved in representing talent, such as agents and legal counsel; and fans who appreciate the effort of everyone involved in the creation of digital media.

White badges signify Standard Membership. Green badges signify Gateway Membership. If the badges display hollow, the member is off-line, in Ghost mode, or sleeping. If the badges display solid, the member is on-line.

A condensed DMDb user-friendly reference guide that describes major site features, functions and terminology.

Socially, and for professional purposes, DMDb realizes it could be helpful to have the flexibility to log onto multiple devices at once. For that reason, we do not restrict the ability to do so.

Credits serve the important purpose of acknowledging the extreme talent, effort, and skills of all creatives, associated personnel, and specialists who perform a wide range of tasks to create digital media.

Anyone who has a verifiable digital work or is associated with a verifiable digital work.

Anyone at anytime once you’re a Gateway member.

Click the leftmost “+” icon in the Pinwheel at the top of the page.

The Pinwheel is a suite of icons that provide quick-access to commonly-used features. These icons include: The “+” icon, which allows for submission of new data. The Ranking icon, which allows displays of top user standings in several competitive areas of site use. The Bell icon, which alerts a member of new Notifications.

The Toggle allows a member to choose between the DMDb Main Landing Page and their DMDb Social Gateway Page as a default.

A clickable browser link that takes you out of the DMDb site and to another website or app.

DMDb does allow for the inclusion of external links within social posts and database submissions.

DMDb has a selection of languages that can be chosen from at the top of the landing page; additionally, the ability to translate individual posts on the Social page.

The Hall of Fame memorializes many “Famous Firsts” that occurred on DMDb.

Assigning a metatag to quickly identify/search topics, someone or something.

All members can opt out of being tagged.

The Birthday Cake icon appears on a member’s birthday to announce and celebrate the day. Its display can be toggled on or off.

DMDb is what happens when the worlds of social networking and searchable digital database merge together! Not only is DMDb the source that brings valuable insight as to who, what, where when and how digital content was created, but it is also the essential source to empower its members to launch, grow and monitor their careers from a digital media perspective. And DMDb doesn't just allow you to connect with your peers; you can also use DMDb to market your talents and promote your brand through its Social Gateway.

Settings are a series of account variables that a member can adjust to make their DMDb provide a more customized experience.

Comfort Setting Toggles allow a member to make their site experience more comfortable for them to use, with settings like Restricted and Sleep; how your pages appear on the screen; and what info is visible to other members.

Click your Profile, scroll down and click “Comfort Settings”.

Enabling 2FA; enabling public visibility for Gender, Birthdate, and Contact Info; enabling Ghost Mode, Last Page Viewed, Restricted Mode, Sleeping Account; and selecting Light/Dark Theme and Last Page Viewed.

Restricted Mode Toggle is a feature that allows you to limit content or media that may be offensive to a user. Restricted mode is activated via password protect.

Sleeping Account Toggle allows members to have their account go fully dormant for a specified amount of time. Sleep allows a member to put your account to sleep for 1 day, 3 day, 15 days, 1 month, 6 months, 9 months, or 1 year.

Ghost Mode Toggle allows members to be online but take some time for a little privacy and choose when they want to return to public view. You can set this preference toggle to let you “hide” for any number of hour up to 24 at a time.

Light/Dark Theme Toggle allows members to choose their text and screen background presentation.

Last Page Viewed Toggle allows members to decide if their last previously viewed page will default to the first page viewed upon site re-entry. Are my settings publicly viewable?

To specify settings that can be used to customize the site appearance and behavior for a particular user.

That is called Ghost Mode, please see “What is Ghost Mode” and how to enable it.

Sleep Mode allows a member to put your account to sleep for 1 day, 3 day, 15 days, 1 month, 6 months, 9 months, or 1 year.

Gateway Members who discover inaccuracies that cannot be edited on a Title (e.g, Cast or crew credit) have the ability to Challenge the entry.

There is a Challenge History Page for each title that will show in reverse chronological order all challenges and determinations filed for that title.

All Gateway members can issue a Challenge.

To initiate a challenge the member will go through the title in question; Go to the options button (…) to open the drop-down menu; Choose “Challenge” and complete the required information fields.

Once the Challenge information fields are complete, a $100 fee must be submitted.

A member can initiate as many Challenges as they see fit.

If Challenge is upheld, the fee is returned. If Challenge is rejected, the fee is retained by DMDb. If the Challenge is Undetermined, the fee is returned.

A strike is an identifying mark assigned to a user as a consequence for incorrect or unfair submissions, or for a rejected Challenge, as determined by a Challenge review.

Three strikes will automatically suspend a member from posting entries to the database or from filing challenges for a period of 6 months. After the first suspension, if a member receives another three strikes, the member will be suspended from posting entries to the database and from posting Challenges to the database for a period of one year. Should a member receive 3 more strikes after a second suspension, the member will be banned from posting entries to the database and from posting Challenges to the database permanently. However, the Gateway Membership fee will continue to be due.

After a completed form and fee are submitted, a Challenge is manually reviewed by DMDb staff. At completion of review process, there are three possible determinations: Challenge Upheld – entry will be removed. Challenge Rejected – entry remains and is marked DMDb confirmed. Challenge undetermined – entry remains but NOT marked DMDb confirmed. Once a determination has been made regarding a Challenge, that information will be permanently locked by DMDb and is no longer able to be Challenged.

Once a Gateway Member, you can either communicate thru Social posts; private messaging; and email (you will have your own DMDb Email address.)

While you cannot interact with non-members within the DMDb community, Gateway Members can use the DMDb email service internally or externally, just like any other email provider.

Yes, you can choose which information you would like to be public by going to comfort settings

Titles and Lists can be shared with any member(s) you choose. Conversely, individual list items set to private will not be shared or publicly viewed.

Yes. However private messaging will also offer ephemeral messaging functionality. That process is not stored on a cloud or database, and instead goes through RAM.

If a user is harassing or bullying through a Social Post or Private Message, you can click the 3-dot Options icon and report the offending action.

You can block any member from messaging you. However, even if you Block someone, any information or communications you have publicly will remain public and can be viewed by members you may have Blocked.

Your Gateway backskin page is available for displaying either a static image or a short video, and that media can be uploaded with your media or with media obtained from another member (this is known as Gateway Member Backskin Rental for Advertising). While displaying your own static image on your Gateway backskin is totally free of charge, posting your own video on your Gateway backskin comes with a nominal monthly charge.

While a member can post either a static image or a video on their Gateway backskin, you can also opt to advertise your backskin space as leasable for other members to advertise on. Go to Account Settings and toggle the “Allow Advertising” option.

Simple--DMDb has provided an exciting way for Gateway members to earn income! If you elect to lease your space to another member, you get to negotiate your rental price, with the majority of that fee going into your own pocket!

A “For Rent Ticket” icon will be displayed at the top right corner of a Members Gateway Backskin page if that member has chosen to lease their Gateway page to others. Click that icon.

There is no direct charge from DMDb to a Gateway member who elects to lease their Gateway backskin space to others. DMDb’s innovative arrangement allows for you to retain 80% of the negotiated rental fee, with DMDb receiving the remaining 20%. The rental fee amount is decided by you, with DMDb setting the base minimum charge.

There are several paths you can take to rent another Member’s Gateway backskin page. You can: • Hire an Influencer. • Display media you’ve created. • Display media from an outside source. Gateway Member page backskin advertising works much the same way DMDb submission guidelines do for member data entries in general. Any type of acceptable, lawful advertising media is acceptable as long as it conforms to DMDb’s Terms & Conditions. Your backskin advertising can be static or video, with a maximum duration of one minute.

If you have your own image or video displaying on your Gateway backskin and you want to announce that your backskin is available to be rented by others, you can also display the “For Rent Ticket” icon on your Gateway page by going to your Account Settings and toggle the “Allow Advertising Override” option. When another member clicks the displayed icon to advertise on your Gateway backskin, your rental calendar will display “available” to other members, allowing them to “override” your displayed media.

Any and all fees paid for your own video display are nonrefundable.

If you decide; and what you decide will be publicly viewed as you choose it to be.

DMDb does NOT collect or retain ANY of the private, personal, or credit information once it’s been reviewed, and all information is destroyed by DMDb after verification.

Yes you can in any of the following ways: You can watch livestreams; you can stream live; you can join a Watch Party; you can watch any movie that has a link to view on its profile; you can upload a movie you have rights to; and you can watch movies other Gateway Members have uploaded

Ratings can be found near the cover art.

Yes, you need to be logged into your Gateway account to view a movie. However, while some movies may be docked in the DMDb database, other movies may redirect you to another site.

A Podcast is a digital audio or video file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

Yes, Podcasts can be found in several locations on DMDb.

Yes, if you search the name of a person and they were featured in the Podcast, their name will display in Search Results.


You can upload a link to a Podcast by either submitting a new title entry, or sharing something you have the rights to share on your Gateway Social Feed.

Digitally viewed static advertisements.

Ad creators have the ability to share their contact information. If they choose to, it will be displayed on their Gateway account page.

Yes. Go to the “+” icon at the top of any page for submission of new data.

An Ad is a static advertisement; a commercial is an advertisement that is displayed in digital motion.

An application program (software application, or application, or app for short) is a computer program designed to carry out a specific task or service other than one relating to the operation of the computer itself, typically to be used by end-users.

While most influencers have multiple streams of revenue - sharing affiliate links, making money from creator funds, launching their own businesses, or starting a subscription service - by far the most popular is brand sponsorships, in which a company pays an influencer to promote or incorporate their products.

An influencer is someone who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, and/or relationship with his or her audience. They tend to have a following in a distinct niche, with whom he or she actively engages. Influencers in social media are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. Influencers can be an important tool because they can create trends and encourage their followers to buy products they promote. It is important to note that these individuals are not merely marketing tools, but rather social relationship assets with which brands can collaborate to achieve their marketing objectives.

A DMDb account would ensure the best user experience while visiting DMDb; you’ll enjoy the numerous spectacular features that the site offers.

You can become either a Standard Member or a Gateway Member.

You can easily create a DMDb Standard account via the DMDb Registration page using your name, date of birth & email address.

Fill out the requisite information, upload the required supporting documents, submit the fee, and await an email verification request to receive your approval.

A Gateway Membership is the best way to get the most out of DMDb. By upgrading you gain access to create a Watch List, leave Ratings and Reviews, contribute information to the site, as well as enjoy many other site features and privileges. Go to Upgrade to Gateway Membership to see all the benefits.

DMDb does not under any circumstances or conditions sell or trade the personal data of any member.

To upgrade your Membership and become a Gateway Member, click the top right where your name is located, at the bottom of the drop down bar you will see “Upgrade to DMDb Gateway”.

The minimum age to become a DMDb member is 13 years of age for a Standard Account; 18 years of age for a Gateway Account.

No. Each member may only have one account.

Not at this time.

You cannot share your account. However, you can sponsor an account for another user.

Yes, if we cannot validate your required information and supporting documents, we will request further clarification before a membership is granted.

You must submit documentation to verify who you are, and to help keep the data/information that’s added to the site valid.

Most any photo/Government-issued IDs are acceptable, such as current Driver’s License; current Passport; Visa, Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Military ID, State or Federal identification card. DMDb does NOT collect or retain ANY of the above ID information once it’s been reviewed, and all information is destroyed by DMDb after verification.

Yes, there is a waiting period after you submit your government ID For verification.

Email verification emails can take a bit to reach an email address so be patient. Check your spam folder. If you still have not received an email confirmation, hit Resend email verification.

You are required to keep a credit card on file. We use this information to verify your identity as well as for billing purposes.

Your credit card information is processed through a secure third-party payment processor and no credit card info is retained by DMDb.

To update your credit card information please go to your account, on the left side of screen look for payment methods and click “Add New Card”.

While there is certain key data that, once verified, cannot be edited, the majority of profile information will be editable.

Go to account, click preferences at top of profile simply click browse and select from your pictures what picture you would like to display.

Account renewals can be charged on a month-to-month basis or can be set to auto-renew automatically and are billed to your credit card on file. All accounts will be set to auto-renew until you elect to opt out at which point you will complete your prepaid Gateway membership through that month and your account will be downgraded to a Standard Account.

Any Standard member with an account can view limited Profile data. Any Gateway Member will have access to all Profile data other Gateway members have set to public view. Members are in control of the Profile data they chose to share with other members.

Log into, click on Username (Top right-hand corner) Click on the account setting. Click on change password. Type in the old password Type in a new password Confirm new Password. Click Update password. Will receive a password confirmation. The password change is complete.

Go to Enter email. Click on forgot password. Enter your email on file. Click on send me reset password instructions. Open reset password email Click on reset password. Enter your new password and press enter.

If you downgrade your Membership from Gateway to Standard, you will lose all the benefits of being a Gateway Member.

Cancelling a Gateway membership reverts an account to all the features and functions of a Standard member account.

To permanently terminate the account and erase your entire social footprint within.Please note as agreed in the DMDb Terms & Conditions, DMDb retains any public data collected on a member.

Click on user profile; Scroll down to Delete your account and click "Permanently Delete my Account", Please note that once your DMDb account is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Once the account has been deleted your social footprint, digital media, as well as all associated ratings, lists and user reviews will be removed from DMDb. Any other collected factual public data and/or submissions such as live links and credits, will be retained. For a more complete explanation of what will be retained and/or deleted, please refer to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents.

Once your DMDb account is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Anyone can browse the extensive digital media collection.

Anyone can browse, regardless of membership status.

There is no browsing history on the site. However, your internet service provider may track your activity and record your history.

Filters allow for narrowing of search results.

All Gateway members can input data.

An Edit and a Contribution are synonymous on DMDb. They both mean providing additional data to modify an existing submission.

Lists are user-populated collections of digital media. Members can create and custom name as many lists as they like. However, Watchlist and Favorite List will be automatically populated in your List account and can be user-edited but cannot be deleted.

Click your Profile name, click “Lists”, then start a new List or revise a List you’ve already created. Additionally, Lists can be created while viewing a piece of digital media and clicking the “List” icon.

Users get to choose whether their lists display publicly or not; Lists are set to default to be publicly viewed.

Any digital media title, list, person, member profile, can be shared.

A Rating is a Score left by members for other members’ submissions. A Review is a written reaction to other members’ submissions.

All Gateway members can write a Review.

Your name will appear with all reviews you submit.

Gateway Members can initiate Challenges.

Scroll to the bottom of any page and below Help Desk click “Contact Us”.

Support is available 24 hours a day.

First, reference the Account, Registration and Membership section of this Help Guide. If you do not find the answer to your question, scroll to the bottom of any page and below Help Desk click “Contact Us”.

Go to Scroll down to Advertising in the site footer. Click on “Advertising”.

All Gateway members are eligible to advertise on DMDb.

Click the Advertising link on the footer showing on every page.

An Overlay floats over webpage content, graphics, or videos. It is static or dynamic and is used to accentuate a person or product being advertised on the Backskin beneath it.

Backskins are the large rectangular areas that are located at the top portions of the Home, Category and DMDb Gateway pages. These strategically positioned areas are available for visual banner-style static or dynamic media advertising that help you promote yourself or another gateway member.

The Leaderboard is a display of Competitive Ranking of top site performers in several categories, regarding Submissions, Challenges and Credits.

You must be a Gateway member to appear on the Leaderboard.

This analytic is a total of a Member’s Blasts, Live Streams, Watch Party Engagement, Posts, Content Clicks, and total Submissions.

A viral video is a video that becomes popular through a viral process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites. DMDb’s threshold for a video to be considered “Viral” is it having at least 3.5 million views.

A creator’s personal information can be found on the public Credits page or, if you’re a Gateway Member, on the user’s Social Page.

You can peruse the Viral Videos library within the DMDb database or view posted videos on the Social Feed of other Gateway Members you share connections with.

Create great content and drive user traffic. Here’s a couple of great ways you can try to do that: Create highly relevant, useful, entertaining and engaging content to increase your social media likes, shares, and comments.

While DMDB does not pay money directly for viral videos, and users do not pay each other directly on videos, having your video seen on DMDb can increase your popularity, which in turn can lead to future financial benefit. Our unique DMDb Backskin advertising program, along with Gateway Member Backskin rentals, allows huge opportunities for advertisers to come knocking and offer big bucks for your Backskin. Going viral can also increase your popularity and allow you to possibly become an Influencer, and be hired in that capacity.

An episode overview is a short bit of text that tells listeners what to expect when they play your episode. This may include the main points you discuss, who your guest is, and other information relevant to the episode.

You can find a series episode list with the series details, near the bottom of all the displayed information.

From any page, scroll down to the bottom (above the footer links) where you will find your Recently Viewed titles. At the far right there is a “Clear All” button to reset your recently viewed titles.

An NFT (non-fungible token) is a digital asset that can be identified through its unique qualities held within its metadata. Due to the way they are designed and minted, NFTs are unique and cannot be replaced, altered, or changed in any way.

No, you cannot buy or sell your NFT on DMDb.

You click View Details; then go to the 3-dot Options button and choose “Report a Problem”.

No, you cannot use an NFT as cryptocurrency.

Sure, just as any list, you can create a list for your Games.

While you cannot access the Game on DMDb, you can view the trailers for each Game.

No, you cannot purchase any Games. However, external links may direct you to websites that provide the opportunity to purchase.

Yes, if you search the name of a person, creator, company, Game title, keyword, etc. results will display when searched.